Advice for Single Female Homebuyers


In 2019, the National Association of REALTORS reported that 18% of home buyers were single females, compared to nine percent of single males. From this data, it’s clear that single women see homeownership as an important way to provide themselves with more stability and financial security.

Here’s some helpful advice to help single women meet the responsibilities and rewards of homeownership.

  1. Buy within your means. While it’s good advice for all home buyers, single women can lower their risk by keeping their house payment, including property taxes, homeowner’s insurance, homeowner association fees and mortgage insurance at no more than one third of their income.
  2. Choose a forever home. Your home should promote well-being and prosperity. The longer you own your home, the more equity you build. And your home can provide rental income should you move or marry in the future.
  3. Plan for surprises. You may have put all your funds into your down payment, but as soon as you can, start rebuilding your cash savings. Create a fund for home repairs and planned expenses such as a new roof one day. You should also have at least six months cash on hand in the event of illness or layoffs.
  4. Take ownership and repair classes. Your state or local housing authority may offer homebuying and home ownership classes. You can also take repair or home improvement workshops at your local Home Depot or elsewhere. It’s a great way to meet people, develop skills and save money on maintenance and repairs.